Black Rock Atlas
social science and experimental design at Burning Man 2018 in collaboration with the MIT Media Lab.
read the full story in Nautilus Magazine!

Together, our team designed, constructed, and deployed 15 cultural probes, or “Vessels”, consisting of the following:

participatory engagement
qualitative data
portable & visible
informed consent
project instructions
Terminus information
quantitative data
support retrieval

Building on Stanley Milgram’s Small World Experiment (sometimes known as Six Degrees of Seperation), each Vessel was intended to reach a final Terminus through a series of handoffs:

The unique social systems of Burning Man, paired with the unconventional design of the Vessels, would encourage the participation that previous social search experiments have lacked - allowing for unprecedented insights into cooperation.
project site
made in collaboration with Ziv Epstein & Christian Almenar
intial costing, brainstorming engagement, re-labelling & assembling, travelling & implementing the experiment

The unique social systems of Burning Man, paired with the unconventional design of the Vessels, would encourage the participation that previous social search experiments have lacked - allowing for unprecedented insights into cooperation.

project site
made in collaboration with Ziv Epstein & Christian Almenar
intial costing, brainstorming engagement, re-labelling & assembling, travelling & implementing the experiment
